Browsing by Author "Pillai, N.G."
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Item Association of fungi with coconuts producing rubbery copra in root (wilt) affected areas(2007-02-08) Lily, V.G.; Pillai, N.G.Item Available micronutrient status of major soil types under coconut in healthy and root (wilt) affected tracts of Kerala, India(2007-02-08) Pillai, N.G.; Kamala Devi, C.B.; Wahid, P.A.; Nambiar, C.K.B.A survey of coconut plantation in Kerala State was carried out. In this, 733 surface soil samples were collected at about 6.5 km intervals and analyzed for available micro nutrients in five major soil types. Because of the low values encountered in a majority of cases, the following soil types are more likely to be deficient of certain elements : coastal sandy and reclaimed marshy soils for Mn, sandy loam soils for Zn, sandy loam and coastal sandy soils for Mo, and coastal sandy soils for B. The distribution of available Cu was uniform in the different soil types excepting coastal sandy soils. The root (wilt) disease affected tracts showed a significant reduction: in the levels of the following micronutrients as compared to healthy tract : Fe, Mn, and Zn in laterite, reclaimed marshy; and coastal sandy soils ; Zn in alluvial soils ; and Mn and Zn in sandy loam soils. The variation in Cu, B, and Mo content in the different soil types between healthy and disease affected tract was negligible. The intensity of deficiency of Mo, Zn, and Mn was 83, 48, and 48 per cent, respectively. The intensity of deficiency of Zn was above 47 per cent in all soil types in only the disease affected tract and that of Mo above 60 per cent in both healthy and disease affected tracts.Item Biochemical investigations on the coconut palm(1964) Pillai, N.G.Item Biochemical investigations on the coconut palm(1964) Pillai, N.G.Item Cation, exchange capacity of excised roots of coconut seedling(1973-08) Pillai, N.G.; Abdul Wahid, P.; Kamala Devi, C.B.Item Discriminant classification of Kerala soils in relation to incidence of coconut root - (wilt) disease: 1. Soil micronutrient aspects(2007-02-08) Kamala Devi, C.B.; Narasimhayya, G.; Wahid, P.A.; Nambiar, C.K.B.; Pillai, N.G.; Sharma, S.P.; Velayutham, M.The analysis of the nutrient data on the soil samples in Kerala collected from the different root (wilt) disease categories depending on the condition of the palm and the area sampled suggested the list of essential nutrients for the discrimination of the soils associated with the categories in different soil types as: 1. Latcritc — Fe, B, Mn, 1 Mo, Cu, S and Zn 2. Alluvial Fe, Mo and Zn 3. Reclaimed marshy — Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo , Mn and B 4. Coastal Sand - Fe, Zn, Cu and Mo 5. Sandy loam - Mn, Cu and Zn The classificatory analysis of the above data on the essential nutrients showed that soils of the above categories can be grouped into three clusters namely Healthy, leading to sick and sick in case of laterite, reclaimed marshy, sandy loam and two clusters as follows: healthy and sick in case of alluvial and coastal sandy soils.Item Effect of agro-techniques on the root (wilt) disease of coconut(2007-02-08) Sadanandan, A.K.; Pillai, N.G.; Robert Cecil, S.The various agro-techniques including planting techniques, nutritional and irrigation requirements of young and adult palms, inter and mixed cropping in coconut garden, crop - livestock - fisheries integration techniques etc. under the geo-pedo environments of Central and South Kerala for containing the root (wilt) disease of coconut are discussed. The root (wilt) disease of coconut, noticed first in 1882 in Central Kerala, has now spread upto Trichur district in the north and Trivandrum district in the South. The disease has also been recently noticed in two villages of Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu. Palms of all ages are affected. The disease spreads at 1-4 km per year and has now affected about 12 million palms in 250,000 ha extending to nearly one third of the total coconut area of Kerala. The economic loss due to the disease is Rs. 300 million annually. The research on the disease was started as early as in 1937 and intensified in 1948. The etiology of the disease has not yet been clearly understood. And therefore no specific control measures could be advocated. However, the results of research carried out so far by the CPCRI at its Regional Station, Kayangulam and elsewhere showed that a package of agro-technology could be drawn out for mitigating and/or arresting the disease. These are enumerated in this article. The climate of the region is of humid tropical with an annual rainfall of 2284 mm received in 120 rainy days. The soil types are loamy sand/sandy loam and poor in N,K, Ca, Mg and micronutrients. The management practices adopted for the main crop of coconut and the subsidiary crops grown in the coconut gardens are given in Table I.Item Effect of application of N, P, K, Ca and Mg on young West Coast Tall palms in the root (wilt) affected area(2007-02-08) Robert Cecil, S.; Pillai, N.G.; Mathew, A.S.; Kamalakshi Amma, P.G.The response to three levels of N, P and K and two levels of Ca and Mg by WCT palms from the seedling stage was studied in a 33 x 22 factorial split experiment conducted in loamy sand soil at CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayangulam since 1970. The fertiliser levels (adult) are: 500,750, 1000 g N; 300, 450, 600gP2O5; 1000, 1500, 2000 g K20; 0, 12.5 kg Ca (OH)2 and 0, 500 g MgO. The lime was applied broadcast uniformly and ploughed in, while the other fertilisers were applied only in the basins. The effect of application of N was found significant in increasing the height of seedlings during the first year but not during the later years. The main effect of P was not found favourable on any of the characters. The effect of K was significant in increasing the girth at collar only during the third year. The response to Ca was significant in increasing the height of seedlings during the third year, but was highly significant on the number of functioning leaves during the fourth year. The main effect of Mg was highly significant in increasing the girth at collar, height, number of leaves produced, number of functioning leaves, early flowering and the cumulative yield of nuts harvested upto the seventh year. Irrespective of the treatments given, 19% of the palms had contracted the root (wilt) till December, 1977.Item Effect of continuous cultivation and manuring on the leaf nutrient composition and soil nutrient status of coconut palms(1974) Ramanandan, P.L.; Pillai, N.G.Three permanent observational plots, first with no cultivation and no manuring, second with regular cultivation but no manuring, and the third with regular cultivation and manuring have been maintained at the Institute since 1919. Analysis of leaf samples collected from these plots during summer (March) and rainy (July) seasons showed that during both the seasons, leaves of palms receiving regular cultivation and manuring contained significantly higher amounts of nitrogen (l.90% dry matter in summer and 1.92% in rainy seasons) and potassium (0.40 and 1.00% respectively). The average annual yield of nuts from this plot (67 nuts/palm) was also significantly higher than those from the other two treatments (39 nuts/palm for the cultivation and no manuring plot and 12 nuts/palm for the no cultivation and no manuring plot). Soil analytical data showed that available potassium in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depths of soil increased significantly in the cultivation and manuring plot over that of no cultivation and no manuring plot.Item Effect of continuous cultivation and manuring on the leaf nutrient composition and soil nutrient status of coconut palms(2007-02-08) Ramanandan, P.L.; Pillai, N.G.Three permanent observational plots, first with no cultivation and no manuring, second with regular cultivation but no manuring, and the third with regular cultivation and manuring have been maintained at the Institute since 1919. Analysis of leaf samples collected from these plots during summer (March) and rainy (July) seasons showed that during both the seasons, leaves of palms receiving regular cultivation and manuring contained significantly higher amounts of nitrogen (l.90% dry matter in summer and 1.92% in rainy seasons) and potassium (0.40 and 1.00% respectively). The average annual yield of nuts from this plot (67 nuts/palm) was also significantly higher than those from the other two treatments (39 nuts/palm for the cultivation and no manuring plot and 12 nuts/palm for the no cultivation and no manuring plot). Soil analytical data showed that available potassium in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depths of soil increased significantly in the cultivation and manuring plot over that of no cultivation and no manuring plot.Item Effect of different organic sources on the performance of coconut seedlings in coastal sand(2007-02-08) Nambiar, C.K.B.; Wahid, P.A.; Pillai, N.G.Response of coconut seedlings during the prebearing stage (5 years) to inorganic fertilisers and addition of organic matter in coastal sand was investigated at the Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod. Addition of organic matter, especially farmyard manure or green leaves in combination with inorganic fertilisers resulted in spectacular improvement of the vigour of the seedlings and enhanced their early establishment in the sand. Despite the porous nature of sand, fertiliser application helped to retain P and K. Organic matter content of sand was increased following continuous annual applications of organic manures for five years.Item Effect of magnesium and certain micro-nutrients on root (wilt) affected and healthy coconut palms - in India(2007-02-08) Davis, T.A.; Pillai, N.G.Item Effect of major nutrients on the incidence of root (wilt) disease in coconut(2007-02-08) Robert Cecil, S.; Pillai, N.G.; Kamalakshi Amma, P.G.; Mathew, A.S.; Nambiar, P.T.N.Studies on the effect of application of N,P,K, Ca and Mg, from die time of planting in the main field at Kayangnlam, on the incidence and severity of root (wilt) disease in West Coast Tall palms indicated that, young palms are more susceptible to the disease at the onset of bearing. When young palms under good management contracted the disease before flowering, the onset of bearing was delayed by about 12 months. The frond production rate and the number of functioning leaves on the crown are considerably reduced in diseased palms. Among the nutrients, Mg significantly increased the expression of both these characters thereby preventing the reduction in growth due to the disease. The disease caused about 60 per cent reduction in yield in the early bearing period. The mean yields of healthy and diseased palms at the 10th year of planting were 58.8 and 23.8 nuts/palm respectively. The disease caused about 12 per cent reduction in copra weight per nut while the reduction in oil content was not significant.Item Effect of major nutrients on the incidence of root (wilt) disease in coconut(1982-12) Robert Cecil, S.; Pillai, N.G.; Kamalakshi Amma, P.G.; Mathew, A.S.; Nambiar, P.T.N.Studies on the effect of application of N,P,K, Ca and Mg, from die time of planting in the main field at Kayangnlam, on the incidence and severity of root (wilt) disease in West Coast Tall palms indicated that, young palms are more susceptible to the disease at the onset of bearing. When young palms under good management contracted the disease before flowering, the onset of bearing was delayed by about 12 months. The frond production rate and the number of functioning leaves on the crown are considerably reduced in diseased palms. Among the nutrients, Mg significantly increased the expression of both these characters thereby preventing the reduction in growth due to the disease. The disease caused about 60 per cent reduction in yield in the early bearing period. The mean yields of healthy and diseased palms at the 10th year of planting were 58.8 and 23.8 nuts/palm respectively. The disease caused about 12 per cent reduction in copra weight per nut while the reduction in oil content was not significant.Item Effect of NPK fertilisers on trace element nutrition of three coconut genotypes(1975) Kamala Devi, C.B.; Wahid, P.A.; Pillai, N.G.; Sankaranarayanan, M.P.The micronutrient status of soil and leaf was studied in three coconut genotypes, West Coast Tall, Tall x Dwarf, and Dwarf x Tall, receiving three levels of NPK fertiliser combinations. The lowering of pH by NPK treatments enhanced the availability of Mn, Fe, and Al in soil. However, only Mn was taken up by the palm in larger amounts. Water soluble Mn in soil was highly correlated with plant uptake. The micronutrient requirements of the three genotypes were similar. Zn and Cu requirements of the palm were increased by increased NPK application. The implication of enhanced micronutrient availability in soil following NPK fertilization is discussed.Item Effect of NPK fertilisers on trace element nutrition of three coconut genotypes(2007-02-08) Kamala Devi, C.B.; Wahid, P.A.; Pillai, N.G.; Sankaranarayanan, M.P.The micronutrient status of soil and leaf was studied in three coconut genotypes, West Coast Tall, Tall x Dwarf, and Dwarf x Tall, receiving three levels of NPK fertiliser combinations. The lowering of pH by NPK treatments enhanced the availability of Mn, Fe, and Al in soil. However, only Mn was taken up by the palm in larger amounts. Water soluble Mn in soil was highly correlated with plant uptake. The micronutrient requirements of the three genotypes were similar. Zn and Cu requirements of the palm were increased by increased NPK application. The implication of enhanced micronutrient availability in soil following NPK fertilization is discussed.Item Effects of discontinuation of fertiliser application on the NPK nutrition of coconut palm(1975) Wahid, P.A.; Kamala Devi, C.B.; George Philip; Pillai, N.G.The effect of discontinuing fertiliser application for one year on the NPK nutrition of coconut palms which have been receiving the annual recommended fertiliser dose fcr the last 15 years was studied. High residual accumulation of soil nutrients, especially P and K, was noticed in soil basins consequent 01 the long continued fertiliser application. Discontinuation of fertilisation brought down the levels of N and Kin leaf and exchangeable K ii soil, while soil and leaf P levels remained unaffected. It is suggested that once a good soil build up of P has been attained following annual . . P-application it might be possible to discontinue P-application for certain number of years or readjust the recommended dose by decreasing the quantity of added P without affecting P nutrition of the palmItem Effects of discontinuation of fertiliser application on the NPK nutrition of coconut palm(2007-02-08) Wahid, P.A.; Kamala Devi, C.B.; George Philip; Pillai, N.G.The effect of discontinuing fertiliser application for one year on the NPK nutrition of coconut palms which have been receiving the annual recommended fertiliser dose fcr the last 15 years was studied. High residual accumulation of soil nutrients, especially P and K, was noticed in soil basins consequent on the long continued fertiliser application. Discontinuation of fertilisation brought down the levels of N and Kin leaf and exchangeable K in soil, while soil and leaf P levels remained unaffected. It is suggested that once a good soil build up of P has been attained following annual . P-application it might be possible to discontinue P-application for certain number of years or readjust the recommended dose by decreasing the quantity of added P without affecting P nutrition of the palmItem Elimination of acid drift during potentiometric measurement of root-CEC(1973-06) Wahid, P.A.; Pillai, N.G.; Kamala Devi, C.B.Item Embryo culture technique to tackle coconut root (wilt)(1965) Sumathy Kutty Amma, B.; Pillai, N.G.; Lal, S.B.