Legume-Rhizobium Interaction for Biological Dinitrogen, Fixation: Its Use as Green Manure
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Biological dinitrogen fixation by legume-Rhizobium combination is an excellent example of Plant-Microbe interaction. The beneficial effect of this interaction is derived mainly by two ways, die way is, using the dintitrogen fixing ability of the bacteria for direct benefit of the leguminous plants which gives higher yields of the grains (and also biomass). The other use of this plant-microbe interaction is indirect, which is the topic of this paper. Here the dinitrogen fixed by the legume-Rhizobium interaction is, made available to the cereals and other nonlegumes, which otherwise are unable to enter into similar association with the rhizobia as the legumes. This process is called green manuring where a leguminous plant, which has derived enough benefit from its association with appropriate species of Rhizobium, is ploughed into the soil and then a nonlegume is grown and allowed to take the benefit of the already fixed dinitrogen. Research on green manuring in India and abroad is also reviewed here along with future scope of this practice in the agricultuire.
In: Plant-microbe linteractions.Edited by B. S. Bilgrami. Narendra Publishing House, New Delhi 1987 p-47-60