Morphometric Variability in Radopholus Similis


Morphometric studies were carried out to determine differences, if any, among the 12 populations of Radopholus similis collected from different localities of South India. Most of the measurements and ratios recorded in these studies fall within the range of measurements of R. similis reported previously. Out of the 39 characters/ratios examined, stylet length (C.V. 3.91%) and ratio V(C. V. 3.10%) were the most stable characters in R. similis. The populations developed from a single adult female on carrot discs recorded minimum variations. Comparisons of adult and gravid females of a coconut population (C17 H) from host root showed that most of the measurements were higher in gravid females, indicating the need for recording the measurements of gravid females separately in all morphological studies. D2 analysis of 39 characters of males and females grouped the 10 populations into three clusters and 12 populations fell into 4 clusters with population cultured on host root alone forming a separate cluster. Significant correlation was found between the pairs of characters constituting the ratio c and body length of females and males and ratio V of females. Body length (BL) has been found to be a good descriptive ratio in R. similis where the correlations was highly significant between the constituting characters.



Radopholus similis, morphometrics, variability


Indian J.Nematol. 1991 v-21 i-1 p-29-38
