Controlled crossing technique in black pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
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The flowering in pepper coincides with the South-West monsoon and the continuous rain makes crossing work very difficult under field conditions. The chance of extraneous pollen contamination through rain water also is very high, since in pepper, pollination is aided by rain water. In order to overcome the above limitations, a crossing technique has been developed. The technique consists of inducing rooting in productive laterals and isolating the rooted laterals in earthern pots. The isolated plants are then transferred to indoor before flowering initiates. Pollination could be done either by exploiting the protogynous condition present in pepper, or by emasculating the female parent in isolation. Pollination is carried out by applying an aqueous suspension of pollen to the receptive stigma by brush. The advantages of the technique are that all operations are carried out under controlled conditions and that the hybrid nature of the seeds obtained can be assured. It is also possible to carry out the crossing work throughout the year, as the isolated laterals flower continuously under irrigation.
In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM IV, CFTRI, Mysore, 5-8 Dec. 1981. Edited by S. Vishveshwara and others 1982 p-247-251