Effect of long term fertiliser application and cultural practices on soil chemical properties and yield of coconut


Management of coconut groves through cultural practices alone, like cultivation of interspaces twice a year and weed control using herbicides only produced poor yields ranging from 10.7 to 32.3 nuts/palm as compared to fertiliser treatments coupled with cultural practices which produced yields ranging from 83 - 107.9 nuts/palm/year, indicating that cultural practices alone could not sustain higher productivity. However, long term studies have indicated that cultural practices alone are superior to no cultivation and no manuring. For judging the nitrogen status of coconut groves plant analysis may be a reliable index than soil analysis. The plant N levels obtained are much lower even in palms which receive regular fertiliser application on a long term basis indicating that the critical levels established by IRHO may be lowered for Kerala conditions. The palms under cultural treatment have an imbalanced nutrition compared to palms which are regularly fertilized.




J.Plantn.Crops 1996 v-24 i-2 p-101-106
