An evaluation of tissue culture techniques in coconut and turmeric

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In vitro studies in coconut and turmeric were undertaken with the main objectives of achieving rapid multiplication of elite genotypes. In coconut a stage in the development of flower primordia was standardised for their conversion into vegetative structures onY3 medium supplemented with 2mg/l BAP 0.5 mg/l Kinetin. Shoot-like structures were produced on the rachilla explants excised from the spadices which were extracted from the axils of first (mainly) to third open leaves on the crown. Rooting of these structures was not regular. Calli were induced from stem and petiole explants of one year old WCT seedlings on ¥3 medium supplemented with 0,5 to 1-0 mg/l. 2,4-D. Culture of isolated embryos was done on MS medium supplemented with 200 mg/l. KCl. Embryos took four months to attain the first open leaf stage. Rooting of the seedlings was not regular. Seedlings when grown on liquid medium supplemented with 1 mg/l IBA produced roots. In turmeric, a tissue culture method for rapid multiplication of clone 15 B was developed. On MS medium supplemented with 0.2 mg/l kinetin and 0. 4mg/l BAP, the rate of multiplication was of the order of eight plantlets from every bud cultured for two months, which works out to over two lakh plantlets per bud per year. For initiating callus cultures, buds were grown on the same medium supplemented with 2 mg/l IAA or 0.5 mg/l 2, 4-D in dark. These calli were soft and friable. When exposed to light, IAA induced calli underwent differentiation to produce several plantlets. These plantlets could be separated and grown further before they were transplanted to polybags. These plants are growing very vigorously in the glasshouse for the last 8 months.




In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM IV, CFTRI, Mysore, 3-5 Dec. 1981. Edited by S. Vishveshwara and others 1982 p-101-105
