Comparative abundance of the Tingid vector Stephanitis typica (Distant) in root (wilt) disease affected and healthy coconut palms in Kerala

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Direct and indirect evidences are available on the role o Stephanitis typica (Distant) (Heteroptera: Tingidae} as vector of Coconut Root (wilt) disease in Kerala. The indirect evidence is* supported in this paper by a study on comparative abundance of the lace bug on diseased and disease-free coconut palms at different localities. Analysis of pooled data on the population of the tingid on palms in the three borders demarcating the disease prevalent and disease-free zones In the northern, southern and eastern coconut gardens in the State has brought out significant increase in the numbers of the insect on palms under different intensities of the disease (apparently healthy, early disease and advanced disease) as compared to those on healthy palms. Count of the vector on seedlings also gave two to four times increase in population in diseased condition over the healthy.



tingid vector, stephanitis typica, root (wilt) disease, coconut


In: Proceedings, All India Symposium on vectors and Vector Borne Diseases, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, 1982 p-29-33
