Evaluation of weather data for drying and storage of copra
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Weather data such as mean daily temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity, sunshine hours and rainfall per meteorological week at Kasaragod (HT MSL -10.7 m 12 .30N Latitude and 75°E Longtiude) were evaluated for predicting suitable drying period and safe storage period. Equilibrium moisture content of copra at all meteorological weeks was determined. The time required for drying was calculated per week from the energy associated with ambient air. The copra can be dried from 40th week to 20th week within 8 days. Drying can be achieved within 6 days if dried during 13th to 19th week. Drying can be achieved even during 40th to 48th week and 21st to 22nd week if solar cabinet drier is used, because during this period precipitation over 25 mm/week is expected. During the predicted suitable drying period solar radiation available is in the order of 5000 k Cal/m /day and hence drying process can be accelerated by trapping this energy by use of solar drier. Copra can be stored safely in well ventilated storage structures except in 25th to 39th week, relative humidity being below 80%. If proper ventilation is not maintained it may deteriorate even from 22nd week. From 22nd to 41st week the relative humidity ranges between 80-90% and equilibrium moisture content of copra above 4% which attracts fungus Penicillium frequentas. To avoid this, supplemental heat aeration (5°C above ambient) or use of industrial dessicants may be practised in storage structure.
In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM III, GIFT, Cochin, 12-15 Dec. 1980. Edited by K. V. George and others 1981 p-221-223