Studies on soil conditions in relation to the "Root" and "Leaf" diseases of the coconut palm in Travancore - Cochin. Part V. Exchangeable cations, cation exchange capacity and pH of coconut soils
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(i) The results of studies on the exchangeable cations, exchangeable hydrogen, percentage base saturation and the pH of coconut soils from healthy as well as root and leaf infected areas have been presented and discussed. (ii) Soils belonging to the sandy, alluvial loam and red loam from healthy localities exhibit comparatively higher values for exchangeable cations and percentage base saturation and, consequently, low values for exchangeable hydrogen than from the diseased areas. The difference between the healthy and diseased areas in the three types of soils is significant enough leading to the conclusion that these factors may be positively correlated with disease incidence. The case of laterite soils appears to be slightly different. (iii) Soils of the diseased areas have definitely lower hydrogen ion concentrations than the corresponding soils of the healthy areas. (iv) The various effects of low pH values of soil which might directly and indirectly orientate healthy conditions in the palms have been briefly discussed. (v) The possible adverse influences which water logging of the soil may bring about, particularly the formation of increased total acidity have been pointed out. (vi) The conclusion appears to be justified that there is urgent need for regulated liming of coconut soils, especially in the root and leaf infected areas of Travancore-Cochin
Indian Coconut Journal,1958 v.11(3) p-87-101