Studies on some physical properties of WCT Coconut relevant to the design of processing equipment
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Some physical properties of West Coast Tall variety coconut were evaluated as a filnction of moisture content. The minimum. maximum and mean length of the frui[ were and 20.14 cm, respc~i, clp. The minimum, maximum and mean value of sphericity of fruit were 69.85, 97.0. and 81%. respectively which indicates that West Coast Tall variety of coconut is like a sphere as the values are in the range of 69.85 C/o and above. The bulk density of kernel decreased from 464.23 to 4 11.674 kg I m" when the rnoisture content decreased from 94.93 to 6.15% d.b. The variation in bulk dcnsity was found to be linear with the moisture content. The true density of keniel decreased from 524.364 to 450.316 kg 1 m3 when the moisture content decreased from 94.93 to 6.15 % d.b.. respectively. The angle of repose of kernel increased from 30.24 to 34.67 as the coconut kernel moisture content decreased from 94.93 to 6.15% d.b., respectively. The porosity decreased non-linearly from 11.29 to 8.58% as the moisture content decreased from 94.93 to 6.15 % d.b. The static coefficient of friction at any moisture content on any surface was higher than the kinetic coefficient of friction within the range studied.
Coconut, sphericity, bulk density, angle of repose
Journal of Plantation Crops 32(Suppl.) December 2004: 406-412