Regeneration of somatic embryos in Theobroma cacao L. in temporary immersion bioreactor and analyses of free amino acids in different tissues


The present study aimed at developing temporary immersion bioreactor techniques for multiplication of cacao somatic embryos. Temporary Immersion System (TIS), i.e. flooding of plant tissue at regular time intervals provides an efficient way to propagate plants. Somatic embryos were regenerated in twin flask bioreactors. The TIS proved to be suitable for mass regeneration of somatic embryos and for their subsequent direct sowing. The number of embryos after 3 months of culture was significantly higher in TIS cultures than in the solid medium variant. TIS also improved embryo development regarding the conversion to torpedo shaped forms. Matured embryos derived from TIS and pre-treated with 6% sucrose were converted into plants after direct sowing. Additionally to the influence of culture conditions on the development of somatic embryogenesis the content and composition of free amino acids were analysed. The content of free amino acids in somatic embryos rose as immersion frequency increased. The endogenous free GABA content in embryogenic callus was significantly higher than in non-embryogenic callus.



Amino acids, Cacao, Somatic embryo development, Twin flask bioreactor, TIS


Plant Cell Rep (2008) 27:667–676
