Seasonal Variation In Oil Palm Yield Under Rainfed Conditions


Month-wise compilation of the harvest data available from a large oil palm plantation at Palode revealed considerable variation in yield and associated characters between months. Weight of FFB harvested during March to July was found to be generally high. In general, about 45% of the total yield was obtained during the period March to May, and nearly 23% was the share of June- July. The remaining 325 was harvested during the seven months period from August to February. The maximum quantity harvested was during April (18.1% of the total annual production) and lowest share of 3.15 was in December. In real terms, the mean weight of FFB harvested per hectare in a month was 2.0 tons during March to May, compared to 1.5 tons during June-July and 0.6 tons for the rest of the period. The increased share in production during the summer and early monsoon periods was due to the more number of palms and bunches harvested during this period. Mean bunch weight was also comparatively high during this period. In younger palms the seasonal variations were more conspicuous, and as palms grew older, the seasonal differences in yield and yield attributes narrowed down. In the years of bumper yield, the proportion of total yield obtained during yield, the proportion of total yield obtained during March to May was over 53%. The significance of seasonal variation in FFB production in relation to processing requirement is also discussed.




J.Plantn.Crops 1996 suppl. v-24 p-390-395
