Growth and vigour of coconut seedlings raised from eriophyid mite (Aceria guerreronis Keifer) infested seed nuts


Considering the wide spread apprehension regarding suitability of mite infested seed nuts for raising seedlings, a study was undertaken to evaluate the growth and vigour of coconut seedlings raised from mite-infested seed nuts. The maximum values for all the growth characters were recorded in seedlings raised from grade-3 infested seed nuts. However, higher percentage of vigorous seedlings (with Z score of 22 and above) was obtained in seedlings raised from uninfested I grade-0 nuts. The faster germination recorded in grade-3 infested nuts and their subsequent better establishment may be the reasons for the superior performance of seedlings raised. On the basis of the present investigation, it is recommended that mite infested seed nuts should be sorted into lots. depending on severity of infestation. and nursery raised separately for each lot so that competition between seedlings, raised from different grades of mite infested nuts, can be minimized. This will help in obtaining more vigorous seedlings from the mite infested seed nuts.



Coconut, eriophyid mite, seedling growth, seedling vigour


JPC 32(Suppl.) December 2004: 25-29
