Efficiency of different methods of fertiliser application in coconut using radio-isotope technique
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Different methods of plant injection and soil placement techniques were tried. KH232PO4 was used in this study which was simultaneously confirmed by tagged single Superphosphate fertiliser application. In plant injection technique, 32P was fed to the palms through growing root tip, cut end of root, stem injection and leaf axil application; whereas in soil placement method, the radio-active P was applied to the palms through basin, circular trenches, strips and holes made around the bole. Plant injection technique was efficient and economical than soil application method. Among plant injection methods, the application of 32P through cut-end of roots was most efficient and the radioactivity in the palm was detected after 4 hours of application. On the other hand, the radioactivity in the palm was detected after 8, 12 and 18 hours of application through stem, leaf axil and growing root tip, respectively. Out of four methods of soil application tried, the placement of radioactive P through holes gave quick recovery. The 32P activity was detected in the palm after 7, 8, 8 and 11 days, respectively, in hole, circular trench, strip and basin application methods. The 32P absorption was equally efficient in the palms, receiving irrigation daily and once in a week.
In: Pro ceedings, PLACROSYM I, RRII, Kottayam, 20-23 Mar. 1978. Edited by E. V. Nelliat and others 1979 p-331-339