Optimum Plot Size for Field Trials on Oil Palm


The palm-wise yield data of NPK fertilizer experiment, conducted at Oil palm Estate, Bharatipuram, Kerala were made use of for this study. The treatment effects were eliminated from the yields of individual palms and coefficients of variation were worked out by forming plots of different sizes and shapes. Fairfield Smith s equation (1938) y=ax- gave a good fit to the data. The values of r2 ranged from 0.98 to 0.99. Using the maximum curvature method, the optimum plot size was found to be around 8 palms/plot. The coefficient of variation was less for plots of shape 4 rows X 2 columns, the rows being across the slope. Smaller blocks were found to be more efficient.




J.Plantn.Crops 1992 v-20 i-2 p-106-109
