Preliminary Observations on Tender Nut Drop in Arecanut
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Tender nut drop in arecanut reckoned as a serious problem in some parts of Kerala and Karnataka states, generally occurs during April-July. Symptomatology studies revealed the presence of one or more puncture marks on the surface of the affected nuts. Such lesions were found leading to the kernel causing dark brown discolouration. These symptoms were observed on 62 per cent of the freshly fallen nuts collected from 19 gardens during 1984-85. No fungus could be found associated with this malady. When healthy tender nuts were injured by piercing with a fine needle. 80-93 per cent nut drop was observed. Preliminary field control trial using fungicides, insecticides and a bactericide given as spray to the bunches revealed the efficacy of insecticides in reducing tender nut drop. The tender nut drop was the least in the Endosulfan (1.6 mIi/1) treated palms. The symptomatology, absence of any fungus in the affected nuts and the reduction in nut drop in the insecticide-treated plots suggest the possible association of an insect with tender nut drop in arecanut.
Indian Cocoa, Arecanut and spices J 1986 v-10 i-2 p-27-28