Influence of weather on coconut yield


Studies were conducted on the relationship between four weekly averages of 11 weather variables viz., temperature (maximum and minimum), vapour pressure —VP (forenoon and afternoon), relative humidity—RH (FN and AN), wind velocity, hours of sunshine—HRS, rainfall, evaporation and rainy days and quarterly yield of coconut. Theseven lag periods viz., 6-8, 10-12, 17-18, 22-23. 30-31, 35-36 and 44-46 months prior to the harvest of nuts were identified as important. Of these, the last five periods correspond to some of the important developmental phases of the inflorescence like differentiation of ovary and development of stamens, growth of branches of inflorescence and formation of primordia of male flower, process of beginning of the primary bract of the inflorescence, differentiation of the outer or second bract and initiation of primordium of inflorescence.




In; Proceedings, National Seminar on Agrometeorology of Plantation Crops, RARS, KAU, Pilicode. 12-13 Mar. 1987 p-124-132
