Effect of coir dust blended fertilizers on carbon and nitrogen changes in a coastal sandy soil

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The effect of blending coconut coir dust with fertilizers on the changes in carbon and nitrogen fractions in a coastal sandy soil of Kerala was evaluated under laboratory conditions. The results indicated that the available nitrogen decreased progressively with time of incubation in all the treatments. The organic carbon content showed a similar trend as that of available nitrogen. The ethanol benzene extractable carbon has decreased whereas acid extractable carbon increased after eight months of incubation. It appears that the application of N P K fertilizer generally favours the accumulation of humic acid in the soil. There was no marked changes in the ammonical nitrogen during the period of incubation. The N P K treatment increased the nitrate nitrogen content of the soil whereas with N P K + coir dust treatment the increase was marginal suggesting nitrification inhibition property of coir dust.




Journal of Plantation Crops 16(2) : 100-104 December, 1988
