Design and development of an indirect heating type shell fired copra dryer
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A shell fired copra dryer was designed and developed to dry coconut in 24 h which works on indirect heating and natural convection principles using coconut shell as fuel. The capacity of the dryer developed was1000 nuts per batch. The drying air temperature in the drying chamber was 80°C. The unique burner designed generated heat for 5 hours without tending and the heat is retained for one more hour. No electrical energy is used in this dryer making it farmer friendly. Once the fuel is charged it produces heat for 6 hours thereby allowing the farmer to do other works as compared to other dryers where in fuel is loaded once in 15-20 minutes. Smoke does not come into contact with the copra; hence the copra produced is of good quality. About 100 grams of shell charcoal is also produced during the final phase of heating.
Copra, shell, coconut oil
Journal of Plantation Crops, 2006, 34 (3):652-657