Trend In Oil Palm Yield During The Early Years Of Bearing Under Rained Conditions
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Long term trends in oil palm yield and other associated characters were examined for the first 15 years after planting, in a population of 798 palms planted in 1976 and grown under uniform management at CPCRI Research Centre, Palode, Trivandrum Dist., Kerala. Thirty four percent of the palms came to harvest by the fourth year. Yield of FFB/ha showed an increasing trend from 0.125 ton in 1980 to 21 tons in 1990, with peak yield in 1986 and 1990. Similar trend was observed in the case of the number of bunches also. Mean bunch weight showed a steady increase from 1.6 kg to 18.7 kg during this period, with mean annual growth rate of 1.6 kg. The peak yields obtained during 1986 and 1990 were found to be more due to the increased production of bunches. Regression studies showed that 96% of the changes in annual yield is explained by the variations in bunch number and mean bunch weight.
J.Plantn.Crops 1993 Suppl. v-21 p-399-402