Discriminant classification of Kerala soils in relation to incidence of coconut root - (wilt) disease: 1. Soil micronutrient aspects
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The analysis of the nutrient data on the soil samples in Kerala collected from the different root (wilt) disease categories depending on the condition of the palm and the area sampled suggested the list of essential nutrients for the discrimination of the soils associated with the categories in different soil types as: 1. Latcritc — Fe, B, Mn, 1 Mo, Cu, S and Zn 2. Alluvial Fe, Mo and Zn 3. Reclaimed marshy — Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo , Mn and B 4. Coastal Sand - Fe, Zn, Cu and Mo 5. Sandy loam - Mn, Cu and Zn The classificatory analysis of the above data on the essential nutrients showed that soils of the above categories can be grouped into three clusters namely Healthy, leading to sick and sick in case of laterite, reclaimed marshy, sandy loam and two clusters as follows: healthy and sick in case of alluvial and coastal sandy soils.
The Philippine Journal of Coconut Studies 1981, v.6(1) p-40-45