Diospyrus ebenum Koenig an ideal shade tree for cardamom


Pooled analysis of yield data from an experiment conducted at CPCRI Research Centre, Appangala, Karnataka to evaluate shade trees for cardamom for four years revealed that cardamom grown under karimaram (Diospyrus ebenum) yielded 40-50 per cent more (121 g) than under elangi (Mimusops elangi), nandi (Legerstremia lanceolata) and jack (Artocarpus integrifolia) (79-89 g). Plants grown under karimaram produced more and larger panicles than by those under other shade trees. Observations on general characters of shade trees also confirmed that the karimaram is superior to other shade trees for growing cardamom.




J.Plantn.Crops 1984 v-12 i-2 p-160-163
