Clonal multiplication of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq)


Five mm long tender leaf explants and leaf base explants taken from 3-year-old seedlings were cultured on defined media supplemented with various auxins and cytokinins. Cultures were incubated in the light. The expaints produced callus from the veins at the cut surface in 2-3 weeks on R medium containing 20 mgl-1 2,4-D and 0.1 mgl"1 BAP. Somatic embryoids developed on lowering the 2,4-D concentration and replacing it with NAA. Bipolar and tripolar embryoids originated as snow-white protuberences from die sub-surface layers of the callus. The process of germination of the somatic embryoids was similar to that of normal zygotic embryos. However, the formation of adventitious roots was enhanced with die addition of 0.01 mgl-1 IBA to the medium.



oil palm, cloning, micropropagation, biotechnology, tissue culture


J.Plantn.Crops 1989 Suppl. v-16 p-17-20
