Influence of Rhizobium Inoculation and Seed Pelleting on Nodulation of Green Manure Legumes in an Acidic Coconut Soil
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The effect of rhizobia inoculation and seed pelleting was studied in an acidic soil on nodulation, N. fixation and growth of green manure legumes which were found to be suitable for cultivation in coconut gardens. Three Rhizobium strains (32 HI, EGI, PAU Cowpea) were used as inoculants for CalopogoIlium muculloides and an IARI strain (Lt) and a local isolate (L2) for Leucaella lellcocephala. The effectiveness of pelleting materials such as rock phosphate, Ca CO,. charcoal and dolomite was compared along with different inoculants. Rhizobium inoculation resulted in increased growth and nodulation in both legumes and the extent of response varied when different cultures were used. The response in nodulation behaviour, dry matter yield and nitrogen concentration in tissues was significantly more only when pelleting was done on Rhizobium inoculated seeds. The difference in response due to the use of different pelleting materials was not significant_ The present study indicated the need for pelleting along with rhizobial inoculation to get substantial improvement in nodulation and nitrogen fixation of green manure legumes in acidic coconut soils.
Journal of Plantation Crops Vol.18(Supplement), mar 1991, pp.72-77