Forecasting of yield in coconut by using weather variables


Influence of monthly averages of 11 weather variables viz. max. and min. temperature, vapour pressue (PN & AN) rel. humidity (FN & AN), wind velocity, hours of sunshine, rainfall, evaporation and number of rainy days up to 36 months prior to harvest of nuts was studied for two sets of data at Kasaragod. Based on regression analysis re), humidity (FN), hrs. of sunshine and vapour pressure (FN) of 17-20 meteorological weeks of the previous year, temperature (Min) of 21-24 weeks, humidity (FN) of 25-28 weeks two years previous and temperature (Min.) of 29-32 weeks three years previous were identified as important for prediction of coconut yield. The prediction model using these variables could explain 91% of the variation in yield.




J.Plantn.Crops 1989 Suppl. v-16 p-463-468
