Improved protocol for AFLP analysis as a base for tagging root (wilt) resistance genes in coconut


The root (wilt) disease of coconut is endemic in Southern districts of Kerala and the adjoining areas of Tamilnadu causing enonnous loss of nuts. Integrated management practice is the only suggested method to reduce its effect to some extent while development of resistant varieties will offer permanent solution, for which concrete breeding efforts are required. Considering Ute long life cycle of coconut, selection of resistant varieties through conventional methods will be time consuming and laborious. Molecular markers offer numerous advantages over markers traditionally used in plant mapping and selective breeding. AFLP (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism) is a versatile DNA fingerprinting technique for marker assisted selection which combines universal applicability with high powers of discrimination and reproducibility. In this preliminary ttudy for tagging root(wh6 resistkce genesiicoconut, AFLP parameters, geirunning a& silver staining conditions were optimized. Also, primer pairs detecting variations between resistant and susceptible palms were selected.




Proceedings of Placrosym XV (2002): 204-208
