Estimation of coconut yield based on snap observations
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Regression analysis of number of 1. buttons less than four months age after the spathe opening (below fist size, X]) 2. nuts more than four months age after the spathe opening (above fist size, X2) and 3. bunches, (X3), observed during the different months of a year on the total harvested yield (y), of nuts during the next calender year recorded on forty three West Coast Tall palms grown at CPCRI farm, Kasaragod during their stabilised yield period observed for six consecutive years was undertaken. The coefficient of determination (R2) of the regressions showed progressive increase from January to December and attained a value around 0.90. This gives a good promise to give a reliable estimate of the yield of nuts harvested in a calendar year based on a single visit in the previous year to observe three easily measurable characters which may probably save man power and funds especially when the palms are located at different places.
In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM I..RRII. Kottayam, 20-23 Mar. 1978. Edited by E. V. Nelliat and others 525