Improvement of arecanut palm Areca catechu L.
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Floral biology studies, progeny tests and correlation and heritability studies were undertaken .in arecanut. Floral biology studies have confirmed that arecanut palm is normally cross pollinated. Mother palms of uniform standards were found to have differential transmitting ability in regard to yield. High transmitters were found to be distributed randomly in different plantations. No relationship was found to exist between the regular yielding habit of mother palms and progeny performance. The heritability for yield was found to be comparatively low. Positive phenotypic and genotypic correlations were found to exist between number of leaves of seedlings at the time of planting, girth at collar one year after planting and number of nodes two years after planting, with yield during the first four years of bearing. The limitations of the present method of selection and techniques that could be adopted for the improvement of the crop are discussed.
arecanut, breeding
Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding [Vol 27 No.1 March, 1967]