Identification of potential vectors of the coconut lethal disease phytoplasma


Lethal disease (LD) is a lethal yellowing-type disease of coconuts associated with phytoplasmas in Tanzania, but the insect vector for it has not yet been identified. In this study, the auchenorrynchous insects in LD-infected coconut fields were surveyed to determine potential vectors for the disease. No significant correlation was found between disease incidence and numbers of insects collected from the field, possibly reflecting the unknown incubation period for the disease. However, analysis of more than 5000 individual insects by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), using LD-specific primers derived from the phytoplasma 16S rRNA gene, revealed PCR products of the correct size from eight individuals of Diastrombus mkurangai and four of Meenoplus spp. When digested with restriction endonucleases, fragments of the same size as the LD phytoplasma were obtained. No PCR products were detected in any of the other insect species tested. These results implicate D. mkurangai and Meenoplus spp. as probable vectors of the LD phytoplasma.



coconut, Diastrombus mkurangai, LD phytoplasmas, Meenoplus spp., PCR products, vectors


Plant Pathology (2000) 49, 355-361
