Integrated Plant Nutrient Management in Oil Palm Plantations through Recycling of Palm Wastes


Long-term irrigation and fertilizer experiment revealed that application of 1200 g N, 600 g P2O5, 1200 g K20 per year and irrigation at 901 per palm per day are optimum for oil palm. At present, entire nutrient demand is being supplied through chemical fertilizers. Quantification of annual addition of oil palm waste and its nutritive value has offered the scope to substitute the chemical fertilizers through proper recycling of organic waste. Different digestion techniques revealed that organic wastes were converted into good quality organic manures within a period of four months; these organic manures had a C/N ratio of < 20:1 and nutrients of 1.6-1.85 N, 0.27-0.31 P, 0.8-1.1 K, 0.4-0.6 Ca and 0.37-0.49 per cent Mg. Among the composting methods, vermicomposting was found more effective in producing quality manure. The composted oil palm wastes could supply 175 kg N, 73 kg P20«> 129 K2O, 70 kg CaO and 71 kg MgO per ha per year.




In: 13th Plantation Crops Symposium, Coimbatore (16-18 December) 1998
