Increasing Productivity of Cardamom through Large Scale Demonstration of Improved Technology in Farmers Fields in Kodagu District of Karnataka


A High Production Technology (HPT) programme was initiated in 1986 In all the key cardamom growing zones of Kodagu district Kantataka to motivate the grower to increase the per unit production to a level of 650 kg per ha by utilizing the information available at the Cardamom Research Centre, Appangala,collaboration with Spices Board. A series of meetings were held in various field units to enlighten planters for adoption of the HPT programe. Totally 42 farmer, were selected covering area of 94.10 ha by planting 4,70,500 C1-37 seedlings. The preplanting status survey of the HPT cardamom plantations revealed that the yield level ranged from as low as 10 to as high as 125 kg/ha, with the average being 58.0 kg/ha. The establishment of cardamom in all the plots is quite satisfactory (95%). The slots were monitored from time to time by implementing the package of practices as per calender of operations.




J.Plantn.Crops 1991 Suppl. v-18 p-399-403
