Agronomic techniques for production of vigorous seedlings of WCT coconut
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An experiment was conducted at CPCRI, Kasaragod for two consecutive years (1996-1998) to manipulate method of sowing and media for production of vigorous seedlings in WCT coconut. The study indicated that, sowing in potting mixture either in polybag or cement tank led to production of more vigorous seedlings which have early germination and higher dry matter production/seedling. The number of roots and their dry weight/seedling were significantly higher in plants sown in polybag irrespective of growing media. The mean recovery of vigorous seedlings indicated higher recovery in polybag with potting mixture and lowest in conventional field nursery. The cost of production for 100 seednuts ranged from Rs.740 in conventional method to Rs. 1,688 in polybag with potting mixture. Though, the cost of production was highcr in polybag treatment, the cost of production/seedling was relatively less due to higher recovery of vigorous seedlings. The advantages of polybag seedlings in reducing field transplanting shock and early flowering and nut bearing, sufficiently compensates for higher production cost at later stage. Production of seedlings in polybag with potting mixture could be preferred over conventional nursery
wct coconut, agronomy, seedling production
In: Recent Adv. In Plantation Crops Research. (Eds.)N. Muraleedharan and R. Raj Kumar, Pub. by Allied Publishers Ltd., 1998 p-160-166