Epidemiology of bacterial leaf stripe disease of arecanut palm (Areca catechu L.) caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv arecae – I. Effect of age of palm and age of the leaf on disease manifestation
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Bacterial leaf stripe disease infection on arecanut palms caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv arecae showed variation not only with the age of the palm, but also with age of the leaves. Palms of younger age groups from 3 to 5 years showed a pattern of high degree of susceptibility to the disease indicated by rapid rate of lesion expansion as also the total lesion length recorded. Palms beyond 5 years age showed reduced susceptibility indicated by decreased lesion length. The lesion length decreased gradually with age and comparatively less in higher age groups. The leaf susceptibility character also showed a similar trend. Leaves that are of similar type and physiological age but produced at different periods in the life of the palm behaved differently to infection by the pathogen.
In: Proceedings.Silver Jubilee Symposium on Arecanut Research and Development, CPCRI (RS),Vittal, 13-14 Dec. 1982. Edited by K. Shama Bhat and C. P. Radhakrishnan Nair 1982 p-120-123