Biomass productivity of different intercropping systems with arecanut


The biomass productivity of 12 cropping systems comprising 19 intercrops grown under arecanut is reported vis-a-vis their sole cropping systems. The productivity of all intercrops was inferior when compared to their respective sole crops- This reduction varied from 18 per cent under beans to 88 per cent under fodder sorghum. Arrow root and banana suffered less than 50 per cent reduction in their productivity as intercrops, while ginger, chilli, colocasia, paddy, turmeric, yam and Dioscorea had productivity rates ranging only between one - third to one - half of their sole crops. The remaining crops suffered severely under intercropping. Intercropping had a positive effect on the productivity of arecanut except with hybrid napier and arrow root. The biomass productivity of all the intercropping systems was greater than that of the sole cropping system of arecanut.



biomass productivity, intercropping, arecanut


In: Proceedings, Silver Jubilee Symposiumon Arecanut Research and Development, CPCRI (RS), Vittal, 13-14 Dec. 1982. Editedby K. Shama Bhat and C. P. Radhakrishnan Nair 1985 p-58-64
