Assessment of specific and general combining abilities of nine coconut cultivars
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A diallel programme with 36 crosses and nine parents was undertaken to analyse the general and specific combining abilities (gca and sca) of nine coconut cultivars of diverse origin, and their hybrids, for live important characters. Results of dialled analysis showed that girth, height, total leaf production and leaf production daring the year, were significant among the characters studied. The cross combinations, Laccadive Ordinary x Jamaica, and Fiji x Jamaica exhibited high sca effects for total leaf production and leaf production during the year. Laccadive, Jamaica, Java, Fiji and San Ramon cultivars proved useful as parents among the Tall cultivars. The DxT and TxD crosses involving Gangabondam as the dwarf parent flowered early. The total leaf production was also high in these crosses. In TxT crosses, JavaxSS Green, Laccadive Ordinary X Jamaica, and Fiji X Jamaica flowered early.
combining ability, coconut cultivars,
In: Proceedings. PLACROSYM V, 15-18 Dec. 1982. Edited by K. V. A. Bavappa and others 1984 p-131-137