Effect of fertiliser levels on Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza colonisation in cardamom


Roots of cardamom plants growing in experimental plots with three fertiliser levels were examined twice once before and once after the South-west monsoon. Samples revealed the presence of the following three spp. of VAM fungi: Glomus macrocarpa, G. fasciculatum and Gigaspora coralloidea. Percent colonisation in roots varied from 40-100 per cent in pre-monsoon samples and 63-94 per cent in post-monsoon samples. Infection grading varied from 4.5 to 76.0 in pre-monsoon and 30.0 to 77.0 in post monsoon samples. Results showed that increasing doses of fertiliser tended to decrease the intensity and incidence of the VAM population in soil and roots.




J.Plantn.Crops 1989 v-16 p-429-432
