Bhaskara Rao, E.V.V.Jacob Mathew2014-06-262014-06-262007-02In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM IV, CFTRI, Mysore, 3-5 Dec. 1981. Edited by S. Vishveshwara and others 1982 p-200-205 (Cocus nucifera L.) is a monotypic species with pantro-pical natural distribution. There are two distinguishable morphological forms, tails and dwarfs. Evaluation of coconut germplasra is a long drawn process due to its long juvenile phase, and also the time it takes for stabilisation of yield. However, preliminary evaluation can be done at different stages ; nursery evaluation based on seedling characters, at the 12th month, juvenile evaluation based on prebearing growth, characters, and economic evaluation at the stabilised yield period, based on flowering and yield data. The possibility of using this index for planning breeding programmes for varietal improvement is discussed.enAn Index for Evaluation of Coconut Germplasm in the NurseryArticle