George V. ThomasShantaram, M.V.2014-06-282014-06-282007-02Plant and Soil 1984 v-80 i-3 p-373-380 species of green manure legumes were tested for their ability to grow and establish in basins under coconut. Pueraria phaseoloides, Mimosa invisa and Calopogonium mucunoides were suitable yielding 19.43, 17.00 and 14.71 kg of green matter per basin. P. phaseoloides and M. invisa were effectively nodulated with native soil rhizobia as compared to C. mucunoides. Green manuring at 20 kg per palm induced a high level of zymogenic response by microorganisms in the coconut rhizosphere. Enzymatic activity in coconut rhizo-sphere also increased due to green manure addition.enCoconutGreen manureMicrobial activitySoil fertilityIn situ cultivation and incorporation of green manure legumes in coconut basinsArticle