Shantaram, M.V.Saraswathy, N.George V. Thomas2014-07-092014-07-092007-02Plant and Soil 1985 v-87 i-3 p-357-364 occurrence of phosphate-solubilizing fungi in coconut plantation soil types was investigated. The laterite, alluvial and clayey soils harboured more of the P-solubilizing fungi than the sandy soils. The isolated P-solubilizing fungi solubilized 26 to 74 per cent of the tri-calcium phosphate in 5 to 15 days. The competitive saprophytic ability of the active P-solubilizing I fungi in soil varied between the isolates. Eight fungi with high P-solubilizing capacity and high competitive saprophytic ability were recognised. They have better capacity to survive in soil and express their role in P-solubilization.enOccurrence and activity of phosphate-solubilizing fungi from coconut plantation soilsArticle