Maheswarappa, H.P.Nanjappa, H.V.Hegde, M.R.2014-06-272014-06-272007-02Journal of Root Crops 1997 v-23 i-2 p-131-137 experiment was conducted for two consecutive seasons to study the influence of sett size, plant population and organic manures on arrowroot yield components, yield and qualitative characters grown as intercrop in coconut garden. Sett sizes (15-20 g and 25-30 g) did not show significant effect on yield components, quality characters, whereas, they were significantly superior under lower plant density of 111 thousands per hectare (30 x 30 cm) compared to higher plant density of 166 thousands per hectare (30 x 20 cm). Among organic manures, Farm yard Manure or Vermicompost applied alone and FYM+NPK combination showed significantly higher number and length of rhizomes and higher starch and crude protein content. Fresh rhizome yield did not differ significantly due to sizes of planting material and plant population levels. FYM+NPK combination recorded significantly higher fresh rhizome yield. The starch and crude protein contents were significantly higher under FYM, VC, FYM+NPK and NPK alone treatments.enInfluence of Sett Size, Plant Population and Organic Manures on Yield Components, Yield and Qualitative Characters of Arrowroot Grown as Intercrop in Coconut GardenArticle