Kamala Devi, C.B.Nelliat, E.V.Pillai, N.G.2014-07-092014-07-092007-02J.Plantn.Crops 1974 v-1 suppl. p-67-69http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3893Nutrient composition of leaves and available, nutrient status of soil (0-50 cm) of a five-year-old coconut plantation were evaluated from a field experiment, consisting of three levels of fertilizers and three high yielding coconut genotypes, viz., high yielfinhg Tall, Tall xDwarf and Dwarf x Tall conducted in the acid sandy loam soil of Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod. N and K contents ofleavesaveraged over genotypes for fertilizers increased significantly from 1.40 and 0.46 per cent of dry matter in the no fertilized plots, tol-55andO-92per cent respectively in plots receiving highest amount offertilizers (1-0 kg N, 10 kg P2O6 and 20kgKaO per tree in an year). There was an inverse relationship between K and Mg content of leaves but Ca content did not vary much- Leaf P content did not increase significantly. However, available Pin surface soil of highest: fertilizer treatment increased significantly (131 ppm) over that of no fertilizer (20 ppm), whereas the corresponding values of exchangeable K increased from 23 to 59 ppm. But available nitrogen in soil did not vary. The variations between genotypes and genotype X fertilizer interaction were nonsignificant.enNutritional Studies on High Yielding Coconut GenotypesArticle