Pillai, N.G.Balakrishnan Nambiar, C.K.Mathew, A.S.Kamalakshi Amma, P.G.Robert Cecil, S.Ramanandan, P.L.Kamala Devi, C.B.Wahid, P.A.2014-09-052014-09-051975-09In: Proceedings, FAO Technical Working Party meeting on Coconut Production, Protection and Processing, 4th Session, Kingston, Jamaica, Sep. 1975http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/5390The mineral nutrition of root (wilt) affected coconut palm was thoroughly investigated by carrying out a nutritional survey, collecting soil and leaf samples of perfeotly healthy and diseased palms covering all the major coconut growing soil groups of Kerala State. The chemical analyses of these samples for both macro and micronutrients confirmed the accumulation of NPK in diseased palms. Nitrogen status of soils of disease affected tracts is higher -than that of Healthy soils. Among the secondary nutrients, deficiency of S is. evident. Imbalances in cationio ratios viz. K/Na, K/Mg, K/(Ca+Mg) and K/(Na+Ca+Mg): and anionio ratios via. P/S and N/S are quite apparent. Similarly, the defioienoies of Fe, Mn, Mo and Zn in particular in diseased palms are the other findings of great importance.enMineral Nutrition of Root (Wilt) Affected Coconut PalmArticle