George V. ThomasRohini IyerBopaiah, B.M.2014-05-262014-05-262007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1991 v-19 i-2 p-127-138 association of beneficial micro-organisms such as nitrogen fixing bacteria, vesicular-arbus-cular mycorrhiza) (VAM) fungi and phosphate solubilisers with the roots and rhizosphere of coconut has been well established. The non-symbiotic Beijerinckia and associative symbiotic Azospirillum are the predominant nitrogen fixing bacteria associated with coconut. The green manure/cover leguime-Rhizobium association can also contribute substantial quantities of biologically fixed nitrogen in the basins and interspaces of coconut. The palm forms symbiotic association with VAM fungi belonging to the four genera viz., Glomus, Gigaspora, Sclerocystis and Acaulospora. Bacteria and fungi capable of solubilising insoluble phosphates are also found in large numbers in rhizosphere of coconut. The research work carried out on beneficial microbes associated with coconut is reviewed and the future areas of research outlined.enbeneficial microbescoconutnutritionBeneficial microbes in the nutrition of coconutArticle