Abraham, C.C.Ramakrishnan Nayar, T.V.Chandrasekhar, P.R.2014-07-072014-07-072007-02In: Proceedings. PLACROSYM II, UPASI. Ootacamund, 26-29 Jun. 1979. Edited by C. S. Venkataram and others 62-70http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3777Studies on the influence of the stage of ripeness and frequency of harvesting of cocoa pods on the extent of damage by Funambulus tristriatus tristriatus showed that when fully mature and orange-yellow pods alone were harvested at intervals of 20-25 days in 1976-77, the mean percentage damage was 52.23. When the pods were harvested at intervals of 15-18 days, just as these developed bronzing in furrows, there was substantial reduction in damage the mean percentage being only 25.83. In another experiment, it was found that covering the pods with punched poly-bags (150 gauge) or gunny bags smeared with fish oil insecticidal soap was effective in protecting the pods against squirrel infestation.enThe nature and extent of damage to cocoa pods caused by the striped squirrel funambulus tristriatus tristriatus wroughton(Rodentia:Sciuridae) and the relative efficiency of different management methodsArticle