Robert Cecil, S.Pillai, N.G.Mathew, A.S.Kamalakshi Amma, P.G.2014-06-102014-06-102007-02-08In: Proceedings, PLACROSYM I, RRII, Kottayam, 20-23 Mar. 1978. Edited by E. V. Nelliat and others 101-113 response to three levels of N, P and K and two levels of Ca and Mg by WCT palms from the seedling stage was studied in a 33 x 22 factorial split experiment conducted in loamy sand soil at CPCRI, Regional Station, Kayangulam since 1970. The fertiliser levels (adult) are: 500,750, 1000 g N; 300, 450, 600gP2O5; 1000, 1500, 2000 g K20; 0, 12.5 kg Ca (OH)2 and 0, 500 g MgO. The lime was applied broadcast uniformly and ploughed in, while the other fertilisers were applied only in the basins. The effect of application of N was found significant in increasing the height of seedlings during the first year but not during the later years. The main effect of P was not found favourable on any of the characters. The effect of K was significant in increasing the girth at collar only during the third year. The response to Ca was significant in increasing the height of seedlings during the third year, but was highly significant on the number of functioning leaves during the fourth year. The main effect of Mg was highly significant in increasing the girth at collar, height, number of leaves produced, number of functioning leaves, early flowering and the cumulative yield of nuts harvested upto the seventh year. Irrespective of the treatments given, 19% of the palms had contracted the root (wilt) till December, 1977.enEffect of application of N, P, K, Ca and Mg on young West Coast Tall palms in the root (wilt) affected areaArticle