Chandrika MohanVidyasagar, P.S.P.V.Vijayakumar, K.2014-08-012014-08-011997J.Plantn.Crops 1997 v-25 i-1 p-68-71 sampling technique was standardised for the population estimation of Leucopholis coenophora around the palm basin in irrigated coconut gardens. The total number of white grubs present in the root zone of a palm can be estimated by the regression equation Y = 3.78 + 1.7938 x, where Y is the total population of white grubs found around a palm and x is the number of insect stages found upto a depth of 40 cm at a distance of 50 to 100 cm away from the trunk of the palm.enA Sampling Technique To Estimate White Grub Population In Coconut GardenArticle