Sannamarappa, M.2014-06-112014-06-112007-02-08Indian Cocoa, Arecanut and spices J 1987 v-10 i-1 p-67-70 application of green leaf to arecanut palm is a common practice in Karnataka and Kerala. A field experiment was conducted at Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Hirehalli from 1969 to 1972 to study the effect of growing six selected green manure crops in arecanut with reference to organic corbon status of soil and yield of arecanut. The studies revealed that there were no significant differences amongst the treatments in yield and yield attributes of arecanut. However it was observed that Mimosa invisa.and Centrocema pubes-cens yielded significantly more green matter when compared to Pueraria javanica, Calopogonium muconoides, Crotolarta anagyfotdes'and Sesbaniaspeciosa. From the point of improvement in the organic corbon status in the soil Mimosa invisa and calapogonium muconoides were found to be ideally suited.enEffect of green manuring on the production of arecanutArticle