Sairam, C.V.Gopalasundaram, P.Srinivasa Reddy, D.V.Subramanian, P.Umamaheswari, L.Hegde, M.R.2014-05-302014-05-302007-02-08J.Plantn.Crops 1999 v-27 i-1 p-39-44 cash flow analysis was performed for the coconut based intercropping systems under optimum management conditions for the period 1983-84 to 1996-97, involving banana, clove and pineapple as the inter/mixed crops. The variable capital requirements for adoption of the system ranged between Rs. 8,200/ha during 1984-85 to Rs. 40, 570/ha during 1996-97 for full dose of recommended fertilizers. This was mainly due to the increase in labour cost which alone contributed to 46-72% of the annual maintenance cost. The gross margin realized from the system ranged between Rs. -1,750/ha during 1983-84 to Rs. 92,230/ha during 1996-97. The capital requirement was marginally less when 2/3rd of the recommended fertilizers were applied. The Benefit Cost Ratio of the system was more than three for full as well as two-third level of fertilizers doses.enCoconutCropping systemsCash flow analysisCost of CultivationB : C ratioCash flow analysis of coconut based high density multi-species cropping system – A case studyArticle