Nelliat, E.V.Nair, P.K.R.Kushwaha, B.L.2014-06-112014-06-111976-06Journal of Plantation crops june.1976 vol.4(1) pp.16-20 germination pattern and quality of seedlings produced from seed coconuts harvested during different 1110nths of the year and the effect of application of fertilizers to seedlings in the nursery were studied. The nuts germinated satisfactorily irrespective of the month of harvest, but nuts sown during June-September (harvested during April-June) germinated early (mean 125 days). Considering seedling vigour as measured by number and area of leaves, height of plants and girth at collar, May and June were the most favourable months for sowing seednuts. Application to the nursery of NPK fertilizers in combination with Ca -:-Mg improved seedling vigour and quality as indicated by higher chlorophyll content and nutrient concentration in leaves. Seedling growth was adversely affected by application of ea + Mg in the absence of NPK.enEffect of month of harvest of seednuts and fertilizer application to nursery on vigour and quality of coconut seedlingsArticle