Kumar, S.N.S.2014-06-132014-06-132007-02-08Tropical Pest Management 1983 V-29 i-3 P-249-252http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2901Bacterial leaf stripe caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. arecae is a disease of arecanut palm (Areca catechu L.) in Karnataka, India. Disease outbreaks are confined to the monsoon season, i.e., July to October. Studies on the epidemiology of bacterial leaf stripe showed that disease incidence and severity are high when there are more than ten rainy days per month in the period from July to October, with an average of 130 mm of rain during the month. High temperatures reduce disease occurrence but a temperature range of 17.5° to 25.5°C, combined with the high rainfall, causes a heavy disease incidence.enEpidemiology of bacterial leaf stripe disease of arecanut palmArticle